Art, Health, Collaboration & Advocacy

We Are Grito Viejito

Grito Viejito is an interdisciplinary artist collective using the Mexican Danza de los Viejitos (Dance of the Old Men) to stage dialogues around health, HIV histories, and queer futures.

Recent Projects – Short Film

Viejito / Enfermito /Grito

(Old Man / Sick Man / Shout)

Ananias, a San Francisco Bay Area artist and immigrant, performs the folkloric Danza de los Viejitos (the Dance of the Old Men). Originally from Michoacán, Mexico, where the dance originates, Ananias interprets its movements through the lens of his spirituality, his long-term HIV-related disabilities, and his search for a place in the world.

Our Funders

We are thankful to the New York nonprofit Visual AIDS for commissioning our first video project, “Viejito / Enfermito / Grito.” We are also grateful to all those who donated to our Indiegogo campaign to help us with finishing funds.


Kyle Croft and
Blake Paskal / Visual AIDS
Rio Grande Valley AIDS Council


Brenda Contreras
(Super Patron)
Jacob Lalezari
(Super Patron)
Katynka Z. Martinez
(Super Patron)

Nikki Anderssen
Cristina Azocar
Maurizio Bonacini
Lauren Berliner
Te Chavez
Miguel Cordova
Willy Egli
Jesse Garcia
Cristina Ibarra
Deniz Ilkbasaran
Carrie Lozano
Wura-Natasha Ogunji
Loras Ojeda
Dino Enrique Piacentini
Melanie Z. Plasencia
David A. Rice
Lito Sandoval
Liz Warren-Pederson

Associate Producers

Heberto Patino Rivera
Neil Stevenson
Nansi Guevara & Trucha RGV


Krishan Abeyatunge
Cathy Arellano
Jaime Cortez
Cheryl Furjanic
Cheri Gaulke
Aurora Guerrero
David Hernandez
Larry Holmes
Ursula Kaufman
Veronica Majano
Rick Medina
Budro Partida
Juana Maria Rodriguez

Tina Valentin Aguirre
Gina Cardenas
Thomas Castaneda
Maya Chinchilla
Breesa Culver
Andrea Klein
Nelida Rubio

Learn about Grito Viejito Phase 2

Visit our Indiegogo page and support us in Phase 2.